Burroughs Manor Press

Children's Titles

Available at Chapters/Indigo, Amazon and various retailers
How Danny Found His Brave:
The Adventures in Behaviour Series
"The world can be a scary place and to Danny everything was scary, and I do mean everything! From bikes and bugs to burgers – and those are just the B words – Danny has a whole alphabet of fears. Danny was afraid because the mean and nasty yellow dragon had stolen his brave, and of course he was too afraid to ask for it back. But then the unthinkable happens and the biggest, most horrible dragon of them all steals not only Danny's dad's brave but his dad too! So Danny has no choice but head into the dark forest to find the dragon and confront his fears. Join Danny on an epic quest where he meets frightening forest creatures and dragons along the way, only to discover that true courage is already inside of us.”

How To Tame Dragons and Hush Hyenas:
Canadian Children's Book Centre "Best Book" selection kids and teens 2018
The Adventures in Behaviour Series
"Jeremy is a kid that seems to wear trouble as a t-shirt and carries an uncontrollable rage inside, that is until he discovers how to tame his dragons and hush hyenas. On this particular day everything goes wrong and Jeremy's anger escapes erupting into wild hyenas and fire burping dragons causing mayhem in the classroom! Follow the adventure as Jeremy goes on a wild journey of disaster but learns to control the beasts; managing them one step at a time. This hilarious tale filled with colourful illustrations is perfect for the young-reader learning to deal with dragons of their own.”
The No Trolls Allowed Guidebook:
The Adventures in Behaviour Series
Have you ever wondered what happened to your lost mitten, or all those pencils that vanish from your desk, your missing snack, and sometimes even your whole lunch kit that just seem to disappear in the classroom?
Jackson has the answer, and it may surprise you – trolls! Trolls hide in your classroom because they love school! Not because they want to learn, oh no, they just love to snack on everything a classroom has to offer and make a noisy, ruckus!
Join Jackson as she guides you through the "No trolls allowed guidebook " where she teaches you how to deal with the chaos that trolls cause. The advice in the guidebook can help sensitive students tune out boisterous trolls. With the step by step advice on how to keep calm, you can keep the trolls at bay. So remember the KATS (kids against trolls in school) motto and steps so you can always keep safe from trolls!
The Day the Fidgets Came:
The Adventures in Behaviour Series
A fun filled tale about a boy with the bad case of the fidgets and his disastrous attempts to control them until the principal steps in with a little help. For all the kids with busy bodies.